18 September 2009

Life Comes at Me

"Sometimes I feel like this world is just one big gigantic merry-go-round
You gotta hold on tight or you get hurled through the air" - Michael W. Smith

Welcome to my life! It's crazy-go-nuts around here lately. I truly thought that my summer was filled to the brim and that, surely, with the implementation of some semblance of a schedule come fall things would slow back into their normal routine. Oh how naive a girl can be. It is only now I realize the brim my summer reached was that of a 6oz. juice glass. And now? Now my life is a Route 44 from Sonic and it's still overflowing! But don't get me wrong, it's overflowing in the best possible ways. I feel stretched and pulled from every angle but every angle is a good one.

I started college classes again (when I say "classes" I mean it in the singular sense, really, but it sounds better when said as a plural - trust me). I honestly did not foresee this being an issue. I thought - heck, it's free (loves it!), I liked doing homework (shut up, I'm a freak), being the student, not the teacher, discussing literature with others, what could go wrong? And all those points are true. I DO love it for ALL those things - what I forgot to factor in was two out of my three free days of the week being tied up, needing a baby-sitter for a certain beautiful baby girl (I have a friend who is wonderful, by the way!), said baby girl's lack of napping skills when in the presence of others, thus wreaking havoc on her schedule and beyond that, let's review - it's now been three years since I left school. Not too long you might say? I laugh in your face! The first paper came around and I realized I was WAY out of practice. The only thing that kept me sane was remembering this class is for "fun" - I have nothing hinged on this grade. Breathe.

And homework - seriously, who doesn't stop to think that a literature class would require the reading of, I don't know, literature! Oh . . . right! I love to read, truly, I do, but at this point in my life, due to time constraints and my love of spending time with my husband and child, 100 pages a day doesn't exactly make it into my repertoire . . . until now. And I would remind myself of the point learned in writing the paper, except that I really do want to read it. Sigh. So I do.

I have gotten to the point where I literally sit down on Sunday nights, mind spinning with all the things I need to get done for the week and I make a spreadsheet. Seriously. An excel spreadsheet to schedule my life. I didn't think I'd be at this point for a couple of years when I had tiny tikes whose schedules of dance classes, Awanas, and sleepovers would begin to trump mine. But no. I have purple cells for naptimes (hers, not mine, sadly), in which I need to perform those tasks (like dishes, showers, you know) that don't work with an awake child. I have scheduled time for e-mail, Bible studies, homework, dinner (and, no, this blog wasn't on the schedule, call me a rebel). Oh, life. (and oh, life as a semi-anal-retentive nerd.)

All the while I keep promising myself, "It's just for this week! Next week will be better . . ."


  1. Oh my goodness - I am right here with you! I'm taking online college classes (including an algebra class - ick) and have 1 in Pre-K, and 1 at home... My fall is growing busier by the second. Women's ministry, volunteering at school, writing, home keeping - it's a lot to manage, isn't it? I can relate to your mind-swirl - and mine starts Sunday afternoon...

    But I'm learning - slowly - if I start my days with prayer and focus on God and ask Him to guide me each day - the important things get done, and the insignificant things don't matter. I'm no expert at it - but the more often I do it - the more peaceful I am...

  2. Oh my goodness! I thought I was the only scatter-brained soul who wrote out my schedule on an Excel spreadsheet every week! You just made my day!
    Without a job, I too made the mistaken assumption that life would be easier in the Fall, "a breeze," in fact, is how I think I put it. Boy was I ever wrong. With a chroni inability to say no to every well-meaning church-ministry recruiter that gets a hold of my cell number, I have church activities spilling out of my ears, more homework assignments than I can count, and would probably get more sleep with a set of one-month old triplets than I am now. Don't worry, girl, naivete isn't just your forte! But luckily, optimism seems to be viral as well!

  3. Girl, I would like to give you hope that things will settle and calm down, but it seems to me every year gets a little crazier! YOu just have to prioritize (something I am still working on). I think that is why I am so obsessed with the Amish. The simple life calls to me!

    Good luck this week and enjoy the weekend!

  4. The Queen Mommy is so right...Make a date with Jesus every morning and well everything else is just life! I have started the "5 before 11" task list (from The Seven Minute Revolution) and it is great! You prioritize your top 5 things that you are going to do before 11 and commit to those things! I never walk away from day thinking that I didn't get anything done! Good luck!

  5. Thanks, girls! I do have to say, I definitely start every day with my Bible study. I couldn't do a thing without it! Actually, at this point, because I participate in one women's study and lead another, I start AND end my day with Bible study, but the morning is my preferred time - just breathing Him in before I start losing track of my minutes throughout the day is the only way to go!

  6. I like your description of you as a "semi-anal-retentive"...Schedules are great when used as a flexible guide--not a strict edict. Hang in there and enjoy! (I can tell you already are.)

  7. I'm hoping that some regularly scheduled activities will help organize my life, but I might be wrong.

  8. I use iCalendar for my scheduling and Lifetick for goal setting/organising of tasks but all that means is that it is written down. It isn't all getting done by any stretch of the imagination. I have considered studying again now that I'm having a break from full time teaching but then I think about my two boys, my husband and the house and it all becomes too much and it is a very long time since I studied!

  9. Going back to school...that is one thing I can say without a shadow of a doubt that I have absolutely no desire to do. So glad you enjoy your class. I'm amazed at people who just enjoy it.
    I'm impressed with your ability to schedule your days. That's great. I tend to be a "fly by the seat of your pants" kind of girl. I have to work really hard at organizing myself. Getting better out of necessity.
    Have a great weekend...

  10. What a schedule! I would love to take some writing classes but have neither the time nor the money. I have 5 kids. (8,7,6,4 and 2) Anything beyond church and school activities doesn't really fit our schedule right now. I have been wanting so much to spend time with my girlfriends lately that we arranged to meet every other Saturday at 6:30am, before the kids get up! :)

    My time with the Lord is cherished each morning before I start the day too. Even when my kids wake up early, they know not to disturb me until I am finished.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Sounds like you have a very busy schedule! Try not to get overstressed.
    Great use for excel!!!

  12. I'm thinking that a spreadsheet might help me...except if I didn't get little purple bubbles for MY nap time I would be very depressed.

    I've done "going back to school with babies" and it is not easy. Can't say I was very successful. Now, how many years later, I still do not have that degree. Shoulda stuck with it, I guess.

    Angela, I'm so glad you linked in!

  13. being a lit nerd myself I am so curious as to what you're reading :)
