04 October 2010

Of Free Time

My poor hubby was sick today.  Not completely helpless, vomiting sick, thank goodness, but sore-and-uncomfortable-enough-to-not-be-able-to-focus-adequately-on-work sick - thus he called in and was blessed to sleep in until 11.  Jealousy is being tempered for the moment.

Thus, as there was an adult present to rescue our children from peril should the need arise during their nap-time, I was free.  Free to run around town and get some shopping trips taken care of without children.  That, my friends, is a dream afternoon for a young mom of two.  I found myself being the one letting others go ahead at the checkout line, one after the other - more time at the store means more alone time for me.  Is that sad?  I didn't think so until I saw it written down.

This is what my life has come to.

And, yet, I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Lol when I'm alone in the car ( which is rare! ) I sing at the top of my lungs to songs on the radio :-)
