01 February 2011

Of Applause

Well, there's the obvious.  It's snowed, recently, in case you weren't aware.  There are drifts up to my hips out our door.  And, yes, at the urging of my sister-in-law, we did go out for just a little bit.  And, while Micaiah enjoyed throwing the snow at Mom and Dad (which meant she used her immobile, mittened hands to grasp a few flakes of snow and then throw her arms in the air to toss them in our general direction), she only did so from the safety of the front porch.  Anytime she crossed the threshold, the wind was too much for her and caused panic and mayhem.  So she stuck to the tiny brick-walled porch.  And she was very happy about it.

But while having a day to relax, where going somewhere isn't an option, and being "forced" to enjoy time on the couch playing Mouse Trap with a two-year-old has been wonderful, I'm not positive that was the highlight of my day.

What really made me smile this morning was watching my son clap for the first time.  He was so excited to sit in his aunt's lap while watching Diego (Dora's cousin, in case you were unaware of today's toddler pop culture).  And the thrill pushed him over the edge so that his hands simply had to come together in joy.  Absolutely  adorable.  Filing this, along with his latest fad of the past couple of weeks of waving his arms in the air while rotating his hands in every direction because he loves the functionality of his wrists, under "Cutest Actions my Son has Learned to Date".

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