29 June 2012

Of My Golden Day

Well, it's come and gone.  My Golden Birthday.  I turned 28 yesterday, on the 28th, and it was all I could have hoped for.

More than two people showed up to my party, which makes it a success right there, but, even more than the number of attendees, the amount of quality time was wonderful.  And on top of it all, Philip bought me one thing I have been wanting for almost as long as I can remember:
 A charm bracelet, complete with a charm for each of the kids' birthstones and one for he and I, too.  Yeah, he's pretty much the greatest.

1,000 Gifts:
638. Pain in my hip, a small price to pay for an evening of free Salsa Dancing Lessons
639. Relaxing at Starbucks with a Venti Frappuccino (what was I thinking?!) and my favorite man
640. Free clothes
641. Discovering a new favorite
642. More varieties of salad than one knew possible
643. Laughing with friends
644. Winning - even if just with a crossword puzzle
645. A quiet play-date
646. Party prep - the anticipation
647. Blessing, not impressing
648. Having just what you need
649. Perfect provision through store sales - yes, it can happen
650. A hand-made tablecloth
651. A birthday banner, also made with love
652. Borrowed decorations
653. Brownie batter fresh from the bowl
654. More friends than I hoped for 
655. Lots of bags 
656. Pulling out the folding chairs
657. A husband entertaining the kids
658. Weary from a wonderful day
659. Free fun in the sun (and water, too!)
660. Two little boys falling asleep on the car-ride home.
661. A closed door means a clear answer.
662. A still-clean house
663. "The light is green."
664. Watching on the monitor as he crawls into her bed for a movie (but only after the light is green)

Other Birthday Photos:

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