27 June 2011

Of New Beginnings

For those of you who are recent followers (or if this is the first entry you've read, even), you may not know there is a reason I am so consistent in my blogging.  I made a commitment when Emmett was only three weeks old to blog every day of the first year of his life (starting at Week Three, clearly, because I am not a time traveler).  As you may know, I reached my self-imposed goal - with a few days missed here or there for sickness or other such unavoidable causes - last Friday with the celebration of Emmett's first birthday. 

This was a big step for me because I tend to be a sprinter and not a marathon runner.  As with the resolute notions of many New Years revelers, I typically find myself gung-ho for the first few days or weeks of a new idea and then let the steam run out as one missed step leads to another before the whole thing feels like a waste of time or energy.

But not this time.  This time I stuck with it.  Because I knew just one evening of saying, "Well, one day won't matter" would lead to the demise of my goal. 

Now that my year is up, I'm addicted.  I feel as though I have to blog before going to bed.  Even when I don't feel like it.  Sometimes it's a chore; sometimes it's a joy, but always it's something to be done.

Lucky for all of us, with the end of my son's first year (though, admittedly, he has had very little focus in the scope of this blog), we have a new adventure to follow via my nightly blogging: the impending birth of our third child.

If you had not heard previously, you read that right - three. 

My husband and I will be outnumbered.  And, frankly, I'm not sure how this will go.  But if God believes we can handle it, then so do we.  Besides, what's life without a little adventure?

(Also, I hear the third kid is the best . . .)


  1. Eh... third kids are okay, I guess.  This one will have a pretty high standard to reach as far as cuteness, though his/her brother is doing his best to make it easy for them to be the "easy" kid with his  high-maintenance attitude. :)

  2. Hooray!!  So happy for you, Angela! And I'm VERY glad to hear that your nightly blogging won't be ending. :-)
