12 April 2012

Of Friends

One thing I love about Micaiah, which is so unlike her introvert parents, is the fact that every person she meets is a friend.  

On Saturday, as the neighbor child and her cousins played in the wooden castle overlooking the fence and, therefore, our own backyard, Micaiah got so excited, "It's my friends!"  And, yet, she had never met these girls.  Not once.  But the fact that they were there and Micaiah was there was all she needed - they carried on quite the conversation for the duration of their time outdoors.

Likewise, as our wonderful neighbor (on the other side) came to take me to a Ladies' Tea Party (which was wonderful), Micaiah was thrilled that a friend had come to play.  Sadly, we left quickly, leaving no time for play.  So when I arrived home and entered their room to kiss she and Emmett good night, Micaiah inquired of her friend.  When told she had to go to her own house, my little extrovert's response was, "Awww, but whyy? Her's my best friend!"

If she's seen a picture of a child, it's her friend.  If someone walks in the front door, they're a friend.  If anyone smiles at her, they're a friend.  

Someday I'll learn from her - to recognize the potential for friendship in almost anyone who crosses my path.  For now I live in admiration of her open heart and eager spirit.

1,000 Gifts (inspired by the lists here and here):
241. A well-worn CD, remembrance of days past colliding with the present.
242. My "Love" necklace purchased for a quarter at a garage sale hosted by surprisingly spunky elderly women in a deceptively sketchy old farm house.
243. The jeans that are probably marked as a size too small, but they make me feel good. 
244. A God who cares enough to place valuable friendships into my life.
245. Kissing kids good night in the dark, when they should be sleeping but are really waiting for Mommy to get home.
246. One warm child on either side, with an infant in my lap, begging me to read their books, whether they be alphabet-centered or inspired by Dora the Explorer.

My Life: My Eyes
I have yet to have a little one inherit these baby-blue irises (much to the chagrin of my parents), but I love my three brown-eyed beauties, so I'm not complaining.

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