04 December 2009

Fear not!

As you may know (refer to previous post), I am with child for the second time in my life. And I am thrilled. But something unexpected has already happened with this pregnancy that I didn't experience the first time - fear.

When we learned I was pregnant with our first child, all the typical emotions rolled on through that all first parents go through upon learning about this little addition to our lives - I was so excited at first, and then it hit me. No matter how much you were looking forward to it or "planning" for it, that first pregnancy is a shock - that, "wait a minute" moment. What are we doing?! Are we really ready for this? And does that matter? Because, ready or not, there's going to be a baby in our house in less than a year and someone is going to expect us to take care of it. All the time!

And then we calm down, breathe, and realize we know plenty of parents who have tried their hardest to screw up their kids and somehow we all turn out relatively okay. Alright. We can do this.

And then life was peachy. I didn't know anything about having a baby and, other than reading 2/3 of "What to Expect When You're Expecting" on the day we found out, I did little in preparation to figure out what was actually going to happen. I was in awe that my body knew exactly what to do and was busy as a bee bringing this baby into being and all I had to do was take it slow. This was nice. I could do this.

The day came, she was born, happy and healthy - as I always expected she would be - and life was great.

So we decided we were ready.

A new life, again.

I was excited. I was trusting God to grow our family and less than a year after we handed that desire over to him, Baby #2 (fondly known as Bug) is on the way.

And then it hit me. An overwhelming fear. Fear I hadn't known before.

See, something happened between my last pregnancy and this one - I had been reading stories, hearing prayer requests and had begun to accept that tragedy really is a common occurrence. Every day, parents are losing their children. And no one is immune. What if that happened to us?

I was no longer an innocent mother living in a peachy world - there was a child in my womb and quick as that something could happen to it.

It was difficult to rejoice. I lived in that fear, deciding this time maybe we would wait until the end of the first trimester to let everyone know "just in case." In case of the worst. Because how could I go back and tell everyone that it wasn't going to happen? It would just be easier if we kept it quiet.

After a time of living in this crippling fear, God spoke to me. What was I afraid of? I may not know tomorrow, but I know today. And today I have a baby. Today I am blessed. Today is one more day of growing a tiny one inside of me. And no matter what happens to him or her, that life is a blessing - today!

And what if something did happen? Would I rather go through that pain alone? Letting the bitterness and sorrow tear me apart from the inside while the world went on as normal? Would I not want my brothers and sisters in Christ to join me in the grieving process and be with me through such a time?

And more so, as we learned in church, our pain is God's megaphone to the world. Even if God chose to take this baby earlier than we expected, we would glorify Him so much better in allowing the world to see our pain and witness Him working in our lives through that pain.

We are not to keep quiet - in sorrow or in joy!

So, we screamed it from the rooftops (and/or facebook). We're having a baby!

The Lord has done great things for us. And we are glad!


  1. That was such poignant post. It is so easy to be wrapped up in fear. We are talking about trying again next year for another baby. I am afraid we won't be able to handle the craziness of it all. We have a 9 year old, and 22 month old...and that is crazy enough. But God has called us to bring godly children into the world to spread His light...so I guess we will put up with some crazy for that.

  2. What a wonderful post. I understand your feelings about how things are different when you have a second child. I remember that feeling well, and my kids are 8 and 9 now.

    I'm not sure of the exact number, but did you know that 'Fear not' is the most repeated phrase in the Bible? God knows are tendency to head in that direction. I'm so glad we have Him in the midst of all the craziness going on right now.

  3. Congratulations on the new life you are carrying! And rejoice in the privilege; we will rejoice with you. :)
    Thank you for sharing your process and the struggle to come to the place of believing that God has told you not to fear.

    Be blessed!

  4. Congratulations! I have had times of that crippling fear, but I have learned to lean on the promises in Matthew 6, not to worry because He loves us. Yes, we live in a fallen world where tragedy happens, but we also serve a risen savior who helps us overcome and often it is in those moments of weakness that, not only is He glorified, but we learn to know Him better as well! Good luck!

  5. Congrats on the little one on the way! Let us rejoice in Him knowing that He won't give us more than we can bear. I felt the same way those first weeks with our 2nd one as well.

    My daughter always says "Fear Not!" because it was the little phrase said throughout VBS this year.

    God is with us.
    God is powerful.
    God does what He says He will do.
    God gives new life.
    God cares for us.

  6. Well, it certainly easy to fall into these fears when we are pregnant to be sure...but....I'm so glad you did decide to tell everyone because no matter what the length of time you have this child..whether it be a few months or many, many years....it is still your child, lovingly given to you by God and needs to be celebrated. Congratulations!

  7. Congratulations! Expecting a baby s such an exciting time!
    I'm glad you are learning to "Fear not!" Enjoy being mom to those two blessings the Lord has given you. We moms don't have time to be gripped with fear! I sometimes have fear like that when I think how little time I have left with my oldest who is 13. I have to remind myself that the Lord loves my children far greater than I do. I'm learning to trust God completely with my children.
    He wants us to trust Him!
