I love being a mom. Yes, it is challenging, but I fall more in love with my daughter every day, and just as many before me have stated, it feels like each stage of my baby growing up is even better than the last (no matter how much I wish she could stay this little forever).
These are my favorite things about having a toddler - specifically MY precious toddler - in random order:
- I can tell her to go get her shoes or go to the car and I get a "soos" or "ka" in response as she toddles off in the right direction. Oh the freedom of no longer being permanently attached in order to get her anywhere. Also, hearing her repeat the commands is just darn cute.
- All it takes is a game of peek-a-boo to go from a grumpy, fingers-in-the-mouth glare to an all-out giggle.
- I can ask for a kiss and, if she's feeling generous, I will get a wonderfully wet lip smack.
- Witnessing her random displays of newly gleaned abilities never ceases to amaze me - like when she points to a picture of an ear, says, "Eee" and grabs her own, without any prompting. Simply incredible.
- The requirements of entertaining a toddler are remarkably similar to the skills of doing the same for a puppy. Ball + repeated throwing = endless enjoyment for all.
- There's actually help for picking up her toys at the end of the day - and for doing other household tasks, such as putting away laundry. And this help is so much more eager than that of any adult, albeit a little OVEReager at times.
- Being greeted with a ginormous grin, excited squeal and dash for a hug when picking her up from anywhere - church nursery, baby-sitter, etc. - never gets old.
There are many more things I love about my amazing little girl, but I don't want to bore you. Suffice it to say, unlike much of America right now, I have a lot of job satisfaction.