04 February 2010

Look, I Cleaned! Sort of.

Pregnancy does good things for me. Well, when the morning sickness finally passes, that is, because, let's be honest, morning sickness does good things for no one.

Specifically, pregnancy does good things for my home. Because, when I finally feel as though I can move around, my nesting instincts seem to be the only motivation strong enough to over-ride my typical laziness. Ok, it's either the nesting or yesterday's internet shortage which got my rear off the couch and into my closet whose floor hadn't seen the light of day in, well, longer than I'd care ot admit. In fact, I believe the last time I truly cleaned my closet - or made any kind of motion to pick a single item off the floor - was before my daughter was born.

Let's review. She'll be 17 months next week.

My bathroom sink wasn't lookin' much better and within a matter of hours my closet floor was spotless, my garage sale box was overflowing, and my linen closet was actually getting shelves freed up thanks to the extra space made in our bathroom drawers.

Thank you, Baby!

All that to say, if you come to visit, please close your eyes as you pass through the living room with tax papers and remainder newspaper inserts strewn about; don't worry, I'll warn you when to step over the semi-unpacked suitcase sitting next to the bedroom door and divert your attention from the un-made bed until you finally make into our bathroom, which, hey, looks amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Hah! Ok, I'm looking forward to that stage of pregnancy. Because right now I'm sick sick sick, and even the smell of baking bread is a turn-off. Can't wait to get through the "morning" (read: all day) sickness stage.
