We've been dousing our little girl in Kool-Aid lately (ok, not literally - just refilling her cup as quickly as it empties) in an effort to keep that little body needing to potty. The more she fills herself with liquid, the further cause she has to practice what needs to be a regular skill.
Yesterday was torturous. There were many outfit changes and floor cleanings and a couch cushion cover thrown into the laundry. Today was better. We had one accident and one definite success (I consider her showing initiative in this department to be a success - following our leading is a nice step in the right direction, but someday she'll need to know to go to the potty when Mommy and Daddy aren't there to tell her to do so).
What will tomorrow hold? We shall see.
God is definitely using this season of our lives to teach us patience. I have seen a lot of ugliness in myself in my never-ending frustration in this department. As I broke down in tears yesterday when my daughter simply would not learn, I fell into a shallow pit of despair. I felt utterly helpless.
She didn't care. Nothing could make her care. We could talk to her all day long. We could spank her until we were all red. Nothing was making a difference. The only results were a frustrated and angry family all-around. And she doesn't deserve that. None of us do.
She asked me, yesterday, after the above scene of sobbing and letting go, "Mommy, do you like me?"
If that doesn't break a Momma's heart, I don't know what does.
God has used this time to break me and remind me that I am not always the one in control - nor should I be.
And so we wait. We encourage. We discipline when necessary. But we will always love.
Oh my...that made me cry...I know it is frustrating, we are getting ready to make a go at it with Kaleb...I'm not looking forward to it. I pray that Micaiah gets it soon. As I'm reading I'm thinking Kaleb can be really stubborn too just like Micaiah...O man. So please be praying for my stanitity.