08 September 2012

Of the Whole 30 (the Aftermath)

The first thing I noticed this morning (after the desire to shout for the neighborhood to hear, "FREEDOM!!!") was that I, surprisingly, had no longing to switch out my Whole 30 breakfast habits for the old stand-in of a nice bowl of cereal.  An omelet and apple sounded pretty good as a matter of fact.  Sure, we added a little cheese (gracious, yes!), but otherwise we kind of like making breakfast in the morning with a side of fruit.

Then came lunch.  And while I was definitely not messing around with my salad - I was having real dressing and having it NOW - I didn't really want anything other than some lettuce and a rotisserie chicken (which is definitely a new thing for me - we'd never bought one before the Whole 30 but I think I'm addicted to the convenience factor on that one).  And while the thought crossed my mind we could have some dessert (animal crackers, anyone?), my body told me it was full and, crazy enough, the rest of me agreed.

Here's where I realized I was really broken, though.  It was when I needed to try out a new Chocolate Chip Muffin recipe before I made a few dozen for an event next week.  I ate half a muffin.  And felt sick to my stomach for about an hour.

What is this?!

I tried another one again later with the same effect.  And then ice cream.  Two bites.  Same thing.

Apparently sugar is bad for me.  When did this happen?  And when did my body learn to recognize that?!

The Whole 30 has ruined me.

Now, all those recipes I stocked up on Pinterest?  Snickerdoodle Brownies?  Cake Batter Blondies?  The Oreo and Flourless Chocolate cakes I had ripped from magazines?  Don't even sound appetizing.  Just the thought makes my stomach turn.

Ruined, I tell you.  Ruined.

But on the plus side, I am now slightly under what my dream weight goal has been for over a decade.  Now that I can live with.  And considering my new feelings toward desserts, I might even get used to it.

1,000 Gifts:
855. Daddy praying over son's nightmares
856. Painting the wall around an open window while watching the storm roll in
857. Rain pattering the chimney
858. Storm cuddles while watching Woody Woodpecker and eating muffins (even if they do make me feel sick)
859. God's provision even at a garage sale
860. A project completed.

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