14 December 2010

Of Crankiness

Our Little Boy has been cranky lately.

This may not seem like news to most people but, quite frankly, we don't know how to handle cranky babies.  A moody toddler?  Now that's a different story.  But our babies, when babies, tend to eat, sleep and be merry.  So a fussy baby (especially after eating)?  That's new.

Whether it's that he's simply needing more nutrients at this age (we're moving toward cereal but he's not getting it as consistently as we'd like) or that our frigid home leads to shivers and discontent, I'm not a fan of the fussing that only stops when snuggled in someone's arms.  Not that I dislike the cuddling or the excuse to do so, but sometimes a momma has got to get things done - preferably without the soundtrack of a screaming baby.

It's not all bad, though, as he did spend movie time on mommy's chest tonight and got a good giggle out of  silly faces made for his benefit.  Any day I can make my son laugh and show off that famous dimple is a good day - regardless of any prior amount of time spent screaming.

Baby snuggles and giggles have a knack for initiating short-term amnesia.

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