14 August 2012

Of Her Birthday Obsession

"I'm so sick of her birthday already and it's still a month away!" - Philip

It's true, our daughter can be a bit obsessive.  It's not her fault.  She's in the late stages of being three and, as is par for her condition, she has few things that actually take up that gray matter in her skull, so she tends to fixate on what is there.  And what is there right now is her birthday.

To be fair, she has it kind of rough, because when you celebrate your brother's, mom's and dad's birthdays within a span of two weeks, it's only natural to think you're next.  And she's right, she's next, but she just doesn't realize how long 2.5 months is.

And, of course, just as she had let it go a little, I decided to bring it back up again because ice cream was on sale and I needed to test the waters to see just how crucial this particular treat was for her birthday celebration.  Turns out, no ice cream necessary.

What is necessary?

Apparently a strawberry-flavored princess cake, shaped like Belle, with lots of presents and cards (alternating in the opening - one card, one present, one card, and so on).  The meal (lasagna) will be eaten outside with present-opening occurring in the black tent (which will, apparently, be set up in the backyard).  Last but not least, she requires colored tissue paper poufs ("bouncy balls"), the same used by Mommy at her birthday (which was actually already planned, but I decided to let her think it was her idea).

Not that she's put any thought into it.

And this is what we have heard about all day since I mentioned the festivities last night.

I also mentioned, as her birthday is on a Monday and Daddy works, we might not celebrate on the actual day.  Would that be ok?

"Yeah, let's celebrate today!"

Oh, my girl.

1,000 Gifts:
767. Grocery shopping with a very loud little boy
768. Free cookies at the store (for him, not me)
769. Strawberries, bright red and oh so sweet
770. A forgiving husband
771. Seeing that man play with his baby boy

Whole 30 - Day 7
Breakfast - Scrambled eggs, Banana
Lunch - Rotisserie Chicken on Salad with Homemade Mayonnaise
Snack - The last of the Chunky Apple Chicken Salad 
Dinner - Spaghetti Squash Carbonara
Snack - Sliced Strawberries and Bananas

Worst Part of the Day: The epic fail that was dinner.  I want to blame the recipe but, as it turns out, we apparently had a bad squash.  Having never experienced Spaghetti Squash before, we didn't know the bitter taste wasn't normal.  The sprouts inside should have been some sort of indicator, though. The kids had hot dogs; Philip and I dug around for bacon.

Best Part of the Day: Strawberries and Bananas.  That's all I need to say.


  1.  OH NO! So sorry your squash was bad. We love spaghetti squash. Perhaps once you're over the yuckiness of this round you'll try it again and like it :)

  2. Haha!!   Love the way she thinks!!   Bekah was totally there too. ;)  

    That is truly tragic about your spaghetti squash!    Had you just purchased it??   I've never had one be bad unless it had sat around for a month or so.   If you ever open it and the seeds are sprouting that IS a bad sign!       It's very delicious when not over-ripe!     I definitely recommend trying again!
