21 June 2012

Of Wiggle Time

I have been looking forward to the Summer Reading Program at the library ever since I learned the starting age was three years.  This was seriously my favorite part of summer growing up and I could not wait to get Micaiah hooked, too.  Because there's almost nothing better than getting rewarded for doing what you love to do.

Along with keeping a chart to track our reading time, the Summer Reading Program also comes with a calendar filled with fun weekly activities for kids at the library.  Unfortunately for our household, the vast majority of these events occur at 2pm - a.k.a. the same time as naps.  Thus, I was not going to miss the second of only three days this summer when my children would be able to participate in 10am Wiggle Time (especially considering we missed the first date while they were out of town)!  What toddler doesn't want to go to Wiggle Time?!

So that's what we did this morning - hung out in a room with about twenty other kids (including some wonderful church friends!) and wiggled.  Toward the end, the kids had had enough - apparently an hour of wiggling is just about their limit - as Emmett begged to be held and Micaiah declared she was ready to go play (she's a big fan of the library toys and computers).

But before the giving up point, I was having a blast watching them slither like snakes (yes, mine would be the only kids in the room literally on their bellies pretending to be snakes and also literally hopping like frogs, rather than merely jumping up and down - I think you can tell who regularly pretends to be animals of varying nature at home), wave their arms and shake their shakers.

And one of the things that caused me giggle the most was watching the two of them run back to their chairs to sit after every song (again, they were the only ones to do this), only to be told there was more singing and dancing to be had.

What good little Baptists.

1,000 Gifts:
619. A stormy afternoon to coincide with the Potato Soup and Bread Bowls written on the menu
620. Little giggles after big tickles
621. Squishy hugs
622. Arms filled with little ones
623. Dark gray skies, low,rolling thunder and flashes in the distance

Photos from Today: 
This is what I found in the hallway when I opened my bedroom door this morning.  Every single one of these books was shoved under the door by my mischievous son.

Slithering like snakes at Wiggle Time.

"Dreaming" at Wiggle Time (with their friend Sarah).

Galloping like a horse.

Joey got to sit with Mommy during the story-time portion of the morning (only after Emmett graciously gave up his seat on Mommy's lap).

Emmett and his shakers.

A lazy, stormy afternoon, playing with his new Transformer on the couch.

Meanwhile, Micaiah read one of her new library books (about "Frankles" - aka Freckles).

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