16 July 2010


I almost forgot today.

It's not the first night that I remembered just before declaring it was time for bed (notice the time stamps and you'll see that). But tonight was the first night that I was darn near ready to crawl onto the matress - the computers were off, the baby was crying, I'd been trying for the past hour to just get to bed, with one thing after another impeding my progress. And just as I'm finally pulling on my pj's, more than ready to settle into the marvelous land of slumber, I heard a voice (which would be my husband's) say, "It's not a big deal, but did you write a blog post today?"


"Yes," I told him as I left the room, "it is a big deal."

Because to me this blog is a symbol. A symbol of commitment. Something at which I generally tend to fail. I know I am not alone in this arena - thus the existence of the cliched New Year's Resolution that generally fails to last past January (and those are the dedicated ones).

But not this time. This time I was not going to let the excuse "It's just this once" creep into my psyche. Because that's a slippery slope and I want to stay the course. I really want to succeed.

And that's why this post is about nothing more than the fact that I nearly forgot - because even if that's all I've got (I honestly tried for the 10 minutes it took my computer to re-boot to come up with something a little more interesting than this), it's important that I put something here. That my fingers continue in their habit of tapping out the menial details of my average life. Because it's my goal.

And it's a big deal.

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