27 July 2010

Summertime and the Livin' is Easy

Funny how the simplest ending to a day can make all the difference.

Today was actually a better day than most because Micaiah had a good day - I've found her mood always affects mine (and most likely vice versa). But then there is the fact that Emmett has not napped all day. We're still working on his not being held 24/7 and, as such, he's been placed alone in his crib every time he's ready for a snooze. And, every time he's placed alone in his crib he cries - a lot. Thus, today seems to have been a day of non-stop crying (in fact, as I write this he lays exercising his lungs in the other room). He eats, he looks around for a bit, I lay him down, he cries - it's been an endless cycle.

But tonight was the first night Philip has not had to work overtime in two weeks - he was actually home by 5:15!!! So, I asked if we could go out for dessert. And he said yes :)

Thus, we piled the kids in the car (this was just after Emmett ate, so it was in his "looking around" part of his schedule, so that was nice), headed to Braum's, bought Micaiah her first ice cream cone (or, rather, frozen yogurt cone) and headed to the campus of OBU to enjoy the evening.

And it was lovely.

Sitting with your family in a gazebo, furiously lapping up two ice cream cones (because your daughter decided two licks was enough for her) so as to keep the drips off of your hands and your pants, while your son finally rests in his car seat and your daughter climbs all over the benches makes for a wonderfully relaxing end to the day.

Ah, the joys of summer.

1 comment:

  1. We miss having OBU campus to relax on...it is such a peaceful place! And, that sounds like a peaceful evening.
