25 July 2010

I'll Try

I'm sorry my posts have not been of more interest recently. I truly wish I had more entertaining anecdotes or deep thoughts on life to share daily but sometimes the most noteworthy thing in a day is the fact that my son fell asleep on his own - not so exciting for anyone else, thrilling for me. Other times, daily, actually, my daughter cracks me up with some silly thing or another, but I almost grow too used to it to think to share - and I also fear filling up this blog about Emmett's first year with tales of his big sister, overshadowing him completely.

But, let's be honest, my five-week-old son just doesn't do much right now. Oh, he's super-cute and I could stare at him all day long, but in terms of activity, he pretty much eats, sleeps, looks around and enlists multiple bodily functions. And that's his day.

But Micaiah - she spends her days copying everything we say (her new greeting to everyone has become, "Hi, Caiah!"), playing with whatever she can get her hands on (the more un-toy-like the better), giving us her adorable sad eyes when we eat food we don't want her to have (and it's getting harder and harder to say, "No"), and babbling to her heart's content. And every minute of it fills my heart with joy (well, almost every minute - not necessarily the minutes spent climbing into daddy's chair to play with his computer, which she's been told umpteen times is off limits).

Thus, I fully intend to spend more time sharing the interesting bits of life, no matter who the star of the moment is.

Because this is my blog and I want to.

1 comment:

  1. I don't want Emmett to be ignored, but I don't mind hearing about his sister's exploits! She's such a hoot.

