12 July 2010

Of Movies and Sisters

I realized I forgot to mention: EB had his first movie theater experience on Saturday. We all enjoyed a family date downtown which included a showing of How to Train Your Dragon (and dinner at Fazoli's - a rare but oh-so-wonderful treat!). Of course, being frugal and wise parents we opted for the cheap theater experience because paying $2 a ticket makes it much easier to bite the bullet and walk out if the children make it necessary. If I pay $10 a ticket, some very angry movie-goers are just going to have to deal with listening to a kid a scream.

They actually did fairly well. I had to miss a portion of the beginning because EB was NOT happy, but once he got some food in his tummy, all was good in his world. Incidentally, the same was true for CB - when you keep the munchies (i.e. Multigrain Cheerios and the occasional kid-sized handful of popcorn) rolling, you keep the kid happy. Did I mention previously my children love to eat?

On a different note, I often get the question of how CB is dealing with her new baby brother and it makes me happy to say she absolutely loves him. The first couple of days, when she realized he wasn't going anywhere, there was a little anxiety, but she has definitely warmed up. My favorite part of the day is when she wakes up in the morning with her first question being, "Emmett?" And then when she gets her first morning glimpse of him there is always a very excited "Emmett!!!" He's like a movie star around here.

The only issue thus far is that, as many know, a toddler does not understand that the amount of affection towards one's sibling is not equal to the amount of force in the touching/hugging/hitting-with-the-shoe-in-the-face. So we're working on that - but she totally has the good night kiss-on-the-forehead down and that makes it all worth it :)

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