27 October 2011

Of Dressing Up

If you had asked Micaiah any time in the past couple of weeks, she would have told you, "I'm going to be a fairy!  I have wings!  I fly upside down."  I continually reminded her the latter would not actually be happening, but she was excited nonetheless.  Our costume creativity has definitely waned over the years, but I really was hoping to break out something different this year.  When given her choices, though, fairy was the hands down winner.  So fairy it was.

Then, as of today, as I was explaining how we would go Trick-or-Treating at the school where Aunt Dia works (even though it's not yet Halloween), she decided her face would be painted.  Where this idea came from, I have no idea, but as she was laying down for her nap, she insisted, "You will paint me and Daddy will paint Emmett.  And you will paint my eyes and my face and my nose and my chin and my ears!"  Well, the ears didn't happen and I tried to get away without the chin, but she wasn't havin' it.  So, the chin it was.  And none of it really turned out how I would have preferred, but she's three - I'll do more planning when the mere fact she has paint on her face isn't exciting enough for her. 

 This girl is pure sass.

 With a little bit of goofball.

 I decided the hair shouldn't be left out, so we threw some ribbons in, too.

 She loved it!

And then Daddy came home, ready for his task of painting Emmett, as demanded by our little fairy.  His task of creating a bear was a little easier, but he sure did a great job with it.  May I present the cutest little bear of 2011:
 Seriously, I dare you to find cuter.

 He was enthralled by his tiny paws.

 She needed a car picture, too.  

 So ready for this!  Daddy even taught him to "Rar!"

Our little trick-or-treaters.  So adorable!

And now we're ready to tackle it all over again on Sunday night for our church's Trunk-or-Treat.  By Monday, Halloween will be old hat to us and we'll most likely spend the evening in - with the porch light off. Sorry, candy hunters of Oklahoma, we're tuck-or-tired.

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