07 September 2010

Of Personalities

My daughter has a very distinctive personality, bordering on Type A behavior.  She was actually born on her due date - what baby does that?  I just know she was counting the days and while Mommy was impatient on the outside, our little firecracker sat on the inside saying, "I don't know what your deal is, Mommy; I have the day marked on my calendar."

She enjoys putting her toys away (in just the right spot) and cleaning up any "mess" she makes, even if it's one drop of water.

She is very precise, very organized.

Last year when celebrating her birthday she was given a tiny cupcake with a blue flower iced on.  Did she do the typical first-birthday tradition of digging into the cake and smearing herself in blue frosting?  Nope.  She daintily, carefully pinched off a tiny bit of icing and delicately placed it in her mouth.  And repeated.  People got bored watching her eat her cake.  Video cameras were shut off, others went about the business of getting their own desserts.

That's our daughter.

This year I thought, surely things will be different.  She's had a few cupcakes in the past couple weeks and positively devoured them.  I just knew she'd give us a better show for her second birthday.  So, on Saturday her little slice of cake was put before her and she dutifully blew out the two candles just like her uncle had just done with his own 28 burning sticks of wax (or, she gave one blow before a certain impatient grandma did the job for her).  Then she was given the green flag - go, ye, and eat cake.

My daughter's response?

"I want fork."

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