27 November 2010

Of My Little Man

My Little Man . . .

- has two adorable (albeit rather sharp) pearly whites poking up from his bottom gum.

- loves to play with his toes - they're his favorite toys, really.  Lucky for him, they seem to go everywhere he does!

- thinks if it's in front of his face, it must go in his mouth.  The three bears learned that the hard way as their family picture was licked within an inch of its life on the cover of their storybook.

- can't sit up yet, but he can wriggle himself just about anywhere within a two-foot radius - we're still not quite sure how he manages.

- can often be found watching his big sister with amazement - she's the best entertainment he's got.

- is quite the hit with the ladies - some say it's his chubby thighs; others credit those money-making dimples.

- snuggles amazingly well.

- makes everything worth it.

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