29 April 2011

Of Becoming a Princess

About two weeks ago, I saw a magazine on a news-stand all a-flutter about the pending nuptials of a certain royal and his soon-to-be bride.  My initial thought was, "That hasn't happened yet?"  My second thought was, "So ridiculous everyone making a fuss about this - why would I even want to care about their wedding?"  But the more I thought about it, the more I realized, no, I don't care, but for my entire life, I have heard the wedding of Princess Diana to her Prince, failure though the marriage was, referred to as an iconic fairy tale moment in our culture.  And I knew, as much as I wanted to resist, this joining of a Prince to a "commoner" was history in the making and someday I might regret not witnessing it.

After much internal debate about the early morning hour and the actual importance this event had in my life, then finally settling on letting my mother-in-law send us a recorded DVD a couple days later (better late than never), I was elated to receive the invitation from a friend to participate in a DVR'd (read: not waking up at o'dark-thirty) watch party.  I could have my royal wedding cake and eat it, too.  What a day!

So Micaiah got all dolled up in her fancy dress (I honestly considered wearing my a former brides-maid gown, or even the actual dress from my own big day but turned down the thought for fear of being too much a nerd), we both donned our tiaras (ok, so I had to give in somewhere) and Emmett, well, I didn't want Emmett to be teased by the other boys, so he stayed pretty casual, and we all headed over to watch a real-life girl become a princess.

At least I can say I saw it, right?  (Plus, we'll still have the DVD for posterity-sake - and so Philip can see the dress, I know it's been killing him - or not.  But he's promised me I can wear my wedding gown for him when we snuggle in to watch it together next weekend - score!)

My little princess.  The wand was a crucial accessory, of course.

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