20 January 2011

Of Bed Time

Bed time for the little ones is one of my favorite times of the day - and that's not just because silence and time to pursue our own hobbies (games, movies, etc.) follows quickly on the heels of tucking in the tiny tots.

What I love about bed time is the routine.  Knowing that there will be little arguing and just sweet moments of stuffing itty bitty arms into warm sleeves and filling footie p.j.'s with diminutive toes.  Beautiful times of climbing onto Mommy and Daddy's bed, babies nestled in our arms, reading the bedtime story du jour.  And, if we're really lucky, like tonight, tickle fights, infant squeals, and giant hugs are packaged into the tightly woven deal as well.

At times like these, it's almost hard to say good night.

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