23 January 2011

Of Movie Magic

The movie Juno was first released in the theaters when I was pregnant with Micaiah. Philip and I sat in the Penthouse theater here in Shawnee while I chowed down on smuggled, sadly stale, Butterfinger bites (the ones in the box - so yum, when they're not stale, that is), laughing through the story of the pregnant cynical teenager, because while not quite as witty as the title character (and clearly not exactly sharing her predicament) I certainly understood the concept of having to pee like Seabiscuit and all of the wonderful symptoms she so eloquently described. It hit me where I was at.

Now, as a mother of two, seeing the movie for a secomd time, I found myself struck in an entirely different way. Watching the adoptive mother in her eager expectation for the child she's always dreamed of, I was choking back tears like a pregnant woman (which, to the best of my knowledge, I am not). Knowing how precious that desire is to her and that feeling of holding your baby in your arms for the first time. Realizing you're a mother and knowing at once it's exactly everything you've ever wanted and also that you have no idea what you're doing. It's incredible and it makes me so happy to see her in that moment and all the wonderful mother-to-be moments leading up to it.

Thus, the movie, while seemingly condoning a situation I don't at all approve of, still manages to speak to me on so many levels. That's pure movie magic right there.

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