30 January 2011

Of Crib Milestones

Micaiah took her first steps in her crib.  One morning, upon entering her room to retrieve her from her evening slumber, I saw her standing along the backside of the bed.  Curious, I opened my hands to her to see what she would do and, sure enough, she took two toddling steps across her mattress toward my waiting arms.  I was surprised she would choose the unstable surface of a spring-loaded mattress over the stability of solid ground beneath her feet, but that's my girl - unpredictable.

Or maybe it's just that the crib is the cool place to make your first moves.

Emmett spends much of his time on his belly these days - hanging out on his quilt from Gram, playing with his Little People train or any scrap of paper he can wriggle himself toward.  Other than the army crawl toward desirable pieces of mail mom allows to fall to the floor, he shows little interest in being mobile.  Until we lay him to sleep.  Nearly ever nap or evening bed time, the moment he hits the sheets (belly-down at this point because he always rolls himself there anyway, I figure we're saving him the trouble and ensuring he stays in the middle of the crib), he's up on hands and knees, forehead to the mattress, rocking himself back and forth.  Any mother or expert  (or both) will tell you this is a definite pre-cursor to crawling.

And he only does it in the crib.  Apparently there are corners of that bed this kid just needs to explore - and he'll figure out how to get there if it takes him all night - or he'll fall asleep trying.

1 comment:

  1. Before I took my shower this morning, he was on one side of his crib and by the time I got done, he was on the other, happily playing with his blanket. The kid's more mobile than one might expect from a 7-month old, that's for sure.
