17 January 2011

Of Sweet Siblings

Our children have the sweetest relationship.

Nothing will cause Micaiah to lay down her toy, set aside her own wants and needs, like the sound of her brother's cry.  The moment his face crumples and the wail begins, she will, of her own accord, drop what she's doing to run to his side.  Peek-a-boo is a favorite of hers when it comes to lifting Emmett's spirits.  Finding a nearby toy sometimes works as well.  In these times, the happiness of her brother is her only concern. 

Consequently, she's a favorite of his.  He always saves his laughter for his sister.  Smiles are free to nearly anyone who asks, but that precious giggle?  Those are reserved for the current queen of his heart.  And she can snag one without even trying.  For example, while spinning beautifully to the end score of Ant Bully the other evening, without even any direct interaction with her brother, Micaiah earned herself the sweetest giggle.  Of course, when she realized her trick was a winner, she hammed it up and his bubbly laughter erupted continuously.

Being the mother of these two is the greatest joy of my life.

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