27 January 2011

Of Projects

I currently have a project on which I am working to document a lot of old blogs and get them printed into hard copies to keep for all eternity.  I'm very excited about having this for our family. 

Because of a Groupon I purchased to use toward printing this book, I'm on a tight deadline.  The date is fast approaching and work is going slower than planned.

Which means a lot of movies for Micaiah and solitary play for both kids.  For the most part they're handling the time fine; while Mommy sits with laptop on her legs, Emmett chews on every available object within arm's reach and Micaiah alternates between motionless awe at the television screen and burning through her toy box like there's no tomorrow.  I am so grateful for children who are just fine entertaining themselves when necessary.

Sometimes, though, Micaiah really just wants Mommy time.  So when she pulls out the coloring book and crayons and asks, "Mommy?  Want co-yer?" it rips my heart out to say no.  And yet I do.  "Just for today," I tell myself.  But it's the pleading in the eyes, the sadness in the question that pulls me out, just for a moment or two, to grasp the red crayon offered and scribble in Elmo's outline.  I know it's not enough - but for now she's satisfied.

Then it's back to work.  Only for today. 

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