07 October 2010

Sometimes . . .

. . . when I don't understand what Micaiah is asking permission to do, I say yes just to see what happens.

. . . when Micaiah is in the other room and I hear the kind of quiet that can only mean she's doing something she shouldn't, I just close my eyes and leave her alone - because at least she's quiet, and if I don't know what she's doing I can't be mad.

. . . I put Micaiah's "artwork" in the recycling box.

. . . I leave Emmett unattended on the couch in precarious positions - but only for a moment.

. . . I let Micaiah lightly smack Emmett - because he doesn't mind and she thinks she's burping him.

. . . I'll read aloud the book I'm reading about potty training because she just wants to hear me reading and doesn't much care that there aren't pictures.

. . . I turn on Netflix just to watch her yell, "Swiper, no swiping!" along with Dora and Boots.

. . . I let Emmett stay in his crib, playing with his "breathable bumpers" just because it's so darn cute to watch on the monitor.

. . . I have to run two loads in the dishwasher within one day to make up for all the dishes I didn't wash the previous days.

. . . I only fold half a load of laundry and then stow the still-half-filled basket of unfolded clothing in the laundry room until guests leave.

Sometimes all of the above happens in one single day.

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