01 April 2012

Of Sleep Habits

For a little boy who only entered the world seven weeks ago, he seems mighty complacent with being laid in a large crib (comparative to his small stature for the time-being) in a dark room all by his lonesome, eyes wide open, and then, simply, drifting off to sleep.  He really is an amazing baby.

Lately, he has also been mighty complacent about the idea of sleeping through feedings, at all hours of the day.  And after two mornings in a row of eating first thing and then being content to sleep past noon, I was afraid he'd never learn to switch his nights and days - until he slept from 9pm yesterday to 5am this morning.  Apparently he just prefers sleep to food.

Clearly, judging by the cheeks, his little body is doing just fine on the amount of nourishment he chooses to take in.  Maybe he just has better self-control in recognizing when he's had enough.  Or maybe he just knows his Momma appreciates a low-maintenance baby with two other little ones scurrying about.

Either way, we're not complaining.

1,000 Gifts: (I don't have an April list, yet, but I'm still catching up on January.)
181. A cleansed heart.
182. Evidence of fruit in my life.
183. Determination to achieve the goal.

While last month's photo challenge from Paper Coterie focused on Taking Time for Play, the challenge for April is to share more about myself through photos, so enjoy.

My Life: My Home
My home is a live-in scrapbook of my life and my travels. From the paintings from Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela, to the photos of family, to mementos and photographs from my semester in Russia, and little tangible pieces of my relationship with my husband, each artifact gives one small piece to the puzzle of me.

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