28 July 2011

Of Appointments

We had our first official mid-wife appointment today.  The bulk of the time was spent receiving a rundown of the types of foods I need to be eating to build a healthy baby. 

While my couponing brain cramped up and my budgetary neurons screamed to my panic button that "healthy" foods are way more expensive than their less healthy counterparts (Greek yogurt is four times as expensive on sale than I can find your run-of-the-mill Yoplait with a coupon.  Sigh.) and ALL of our extra dollars are currently going straight to these same women who are detailing the pricey vitamins I should also be adding to my arsenal, I tried to relax. 

Because I know they're right. 

And I know, in the long run, the price of good food is much less than the cost of treatment for a number of preventable issues, such as heart disease, or even hypertension or pre-eclampsia.  Not to mention how incredibly cheap it is, overall, to keep our family happy and healthy for years to come. 

My logic tells me this is all true.  My budget still strains and whines, but I can be pretty good at whipping that puppy into shape.  Or, rather, God can be pretty amazing at filling in the gaps when they arise. 

The latter part of our time in the cozy little "examining room" was spent listening to the baby's heartbeat.  At this point, Micaiah, who had been happily and quietly playing with Emmett and Daddy during the health-food speech, climbed up next to me on the full-sized bed they reserve for the patients, brushed aside the My Little Pony's with which she had been entertaining herself, and observed the process closely.  Giggling that they were tickling Mommy's belly with the listening wand, her face grew in amazement at the swish swish of the monitor.

"That's my sister!"

"Well, now we have her prediction.  We'll see if she's prophetic," announced the midwife.

"That's my sister penguin!"

Somehow I doubt a fortune-telling future for this little one.

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