15 March 2012

Of Re-adjusting

We in this house are huge supporters of the book On Becoming Baby Wise.  We have implemented the proposed scheduling plan on all of our children since Micaiah was a week old and we would swear up and down it has been so key to learning to handle life with babies - particularly to keeping our sanity (which we don't always succeed at, but it has nothing to do with that book).

I've noticed there are some misconceptions about the Baby Wise plan as some presume the idea of scheduling implies denying my baby food when he is ready, when, in reality, the good doctor actually emphasizes the ideal schedule to be one in which the clock and the mother's intuition work together - so, even if it's not been "long enough," I still have the right to determine if he really does need to eat again or if he just needs to be encouraged to get some more rest.

As a result of our flexible scheduling, our children have done well in the sleep department and have all been happy babies (unless they missed their nap or are just plain hungry) who had no problem gaining weight (seriously, they're chunks) - this third is no exception.  We love it.

Here's the problem: Joey has actually started sleeping six hours at a time at night - starting at 7pm.  Which means by the time we're ready to sleep, I'm convinced, every night, he's just about to wake up to eat, so I should wait.  Until 1am.  When I have to wake him up to feed him.  Ok, so he really just lasted that long for the first time last night, but he has been inching further along in the length of his sleeping and I knew it was coming.

So, how to get him to have his sleep-time coincide with ours so I can have six straight hours of sleep without going to bed at 7pm?  That's what we're trying to figure out.

I'll let you know how that goes.

1,000 Gifts:
85. Sharing the final slices of homemade bread with the kids who love it so much.
86. Washing a tiny one clean.
87. Time around the table, patiently waiting for meat to cook in the fondue pot, being a family.
88. Chopping carrots to prepare the cooking style for that same fondue pot.
89. All of Mr. Potato-head's pieces (or most of them) back together for the first time in awhile.
90. Losing track of time eating breakfast and doing "homework."

Taking Time for Play: Details
These tiny fingers are not letting that paci go.

And just because he's cute . . .

1 comment:

  1.  Isaac started sleeping 8+ hours at night around 6 weeks old...it lasted until he was about 15 weeks old...now he's up once or twice a night (more normal, I think). I suffered from the same sleep problems...being convinced he was about to wake up and then only getting an hour of sleep before he actually did! I hope you figure it out...
